
For those who own property in unincorporated Crawford County, MO we have a few questions for you.

Does the property have a residence and/or business? Is the property just a summer getaway? Do you go hunting on the property? If you can answer yes to any of these questions your property needs an address.

All structures occupied as a dwelling or place of business needs to be designated by a numbering system (structure address) in order that such places may be quickly located by emergency services.

There have been several instances when someone calls 911 and are unable to give an address or gives an address for a main building but they are actually located in a completely different building because an address was never established and/or properly marked on the building/lot.

A quick way to correct this is to call us at 573.775.4911 option 2 for the addressing department, M-W between the hours of 8am-4:00pm and ask to verify your address or get one assigned. With nicer weather I may be out in the field during normal business hours so please leave your name and number and I will return your phone call generally within 24 hours not counting weekends. You can send an email to

GPS Coordinate Apps

A great way to make addressing your home/business/summer retreat go faster is if you are able to give me the longitude and latitude in decimal degrees where the front door of the building is or will be located. I use an app on my phone to help me when I am out in the field. It is call My GPS Coordinates which can be found for both iPhone and Android in their app stores. This is a free app.

An example of what decimal degrees would like:

Longitude: -91.40xxxx Latidude: 38.070xxxx